Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Young Librarians, Talkin' 'Bout Their Generation

http://chronicle.com/weekly/v54/i08/08a02801.htm (thanks to Tami)

From the issue dated October 19, 2007 Young Librarians, Talkin' 'Bout Their GenerationUp-and-comers discuss what will change and what needs to change

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

iSkills Web Seminar from ETS (Educational Testing Service) - Solutions That Support Educational Excellence

I'm registering for the following webinar. It is one hour long. If there's enough interest, I'll try to find a lab space for us to view it. Please let me know if you're interested. -Erin

iSkills™ (the former ICT Literacy Assessment) – http://www.ets.org/iskills

The iSkillsTM assessment is a comprehensive test of Information and Communication Technology proficiency that uses scenario-based tasks to measure the ability to use critical-thinking skills to solve problems within a technological environment. The assessment provides support for institutional ICT literacy initiatives, guides curricula innovations, informs articulation and progress standings, and assesses individual student proficiency.

  • Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 2:00 p.m. (EST)

Monday, September 3, 2007

How to create memorable lectures...

It's long but quite interesting


How to Create Memorable Lectures

In general, students capture only 20-40 percent of a lecture's main ideas in their notes (Kiewra, 2002, p. 72). Without reviewing the lecture material, students remember less than 10 percent after three weeks (Bligh, 2000, p. 40). All instructors hope that their lectures will be the exception, but these numbers present a clear challenge: How can we guarantee that students learn and remember what we teach? How do we create and deliver lectures that stay with students long past the last few minutes of class? In this newsletter we take up this challenge, by considering how students attend to, make sense of, and absorb new information.

The Learning Process: From Attention to Comprehension to Integration

Cognitive theories describe three phases of the learning process (see Schneider for an extensive discussion of theories). In the first phase, we decide what to attend to. We cannot notice everything that is going on in our environment, so we orient our attention selectively. In the classroom, we hope that students are attending to us, but many things compete for their attention. If we want students to learn, we need to capture their attention.
In the second step of learning, we organize what we observe into a coherent mental pattern or structure. In the classroom, students are constantly interpreting what you say, what they read on the blackboard, and what they see on slides. Students must decide how to organize this information in their own minds (and notes). The more you can provide students with a framework for interpreting lecture material, the easier it is for them to understand new ideas.
These first two phases of learning create a short-term memory for new information. To fully "own" new information in long-term memory, we need to rehearse the new information and connect it to existing frameworks of knowledge. This gives new information meaning beyond the particular learning occasion, and makes it easier to retrieve. This final phase of learning begins in the classroom, with review and application, and continues out of the classroom through well-crafted assignments.

How can you use this information in your lecture? James R. Davis describes a simple approach to maximizing the first two stages of learning: "Get the students' attentionŠtell the students what to pay attention to... and don't overload the system" (p. 141). These three strategies address the initial learning environment- the classroom-and can help a lecturer communicate material effectively. To these basic strategies, we add one more strategy that takes into account the final stage of learning: Give students the opportunity to review and apply lecture material, both in class and between classes. This strategy guarantees that students will fully integrate the material and make the knowledge their own-and that is what makes a lecture truly memorable.

Get Students' Attention

Every lecturer hopes that the pure beauty and intrigue of ideas and information will captivate students. Before students engage with ideas, however, they must first be engaged by the instructor. Therefore, like any public speaker, the lecturer's first task is to capture the audience's attention. A lecturer must connect with students and draw them into the lecture.
This rapport can be accomplished in a variety of ways, from attention-grabbing gimmicks to highly thoughtful approaches. Most instructors are wary of gimmicks; a common concern is that any attempt to appeal to students' interests will lower the intellectual quality of a lecture. However, engaging students needn't be at the expense of high academic standards. As a lecturer, you don't need to be a performer or an entertainer; you simply need to keep your audience in mind, and find the most direct way to interest students in your material.
One of the most basic and direct ways to attract and keep students' interest is instructor expressiveness-the use of vocal variation, facial expression, movement, and gesture. This tactic can be applied to any lecture content, from Shakespeare to statistics. Students are more likely to pay attention to instructors who exhibit expressive behaviors, because expressive instructors are more interesting to attend to and easier to understand. For this reason, expressiveness enhances communication and facilitates student comprehension. Students also tend to interpret an instructor's expressiveness as enthusiasm for the subject, and enthusiasm in the classroom is contagious. Expressive behaviors intrigue students, and encourage them to actively consider the lecture material. For these reasons, expressive behaviors lead to higher levels of student achievement and satisfaction (R. P. Perry, 1985, quoted in Murray, p. 192).

The famous "Dr. Fox" experiments, first conducted by Ware and Williams in the mid-seventies, illustrate the effects of instructor expressiveness (see Murray, 1997). The experiments used six videotaped lectures, all given by a professional actor assuming the persona of "Dr. Fox." The topic of each lecture was biochemistry, but the amount of information in each lecture varied (low, medium, or high). In addition, lectures were presented with either a low or high level of "seductiveness." "High seductiveness" was defined in terms of expressive behavior: the use of movement, gesture, vocal emphasis, humor, and charisma. "Low seductiveness" was characterized by a flat, matter-of-fact style.

Students who watched the highly expressive lectures performed better on a multiple-choice recall test than students who watched the less expressive lectures. This suggests that expressiveness enhances students' memory for the lecture content. Students who watched the highly expressive lectures also gave higher ratings to the instructor, independent of the level of information provided in the lectures. The authors coined this last finding the "Dr. Fox Effect." Students may give high ratings to teachers who convey almost no content, but present their lectures enthusiastically. Lectures can be enjoyable but still fail to meet important teaching goals.

However, as Murray argues, there is no reason to believe that expressive behaviors "are in any way incompatible with more traditional criteria of effective teaching, such as content coverage and high academic standards" (p. 196). To avoid the Dr. Fox Effect, keep in mind that expressiveness is more about communication than entertainment. The key teaching goals of each lecture are still to increase students' knowledge and skills, not to entertain students. Expressiveness is simply a tool for engaging students with the material, not an end to itself. A good litmus test for whether expressiveness is effective, rather than merely entertaining, is whether it invites students to be active, rather than passive, learners. It is important to ask yourself: Once you have students' attention, what are you doing with it?

Expressiveness can be learned, through training and practice. The Center for Teaching and Learning provides a number of resources for instructors looking to develop expressive skills (including class videotaping and oral communication training). Expressiveness can also be enhanced by the instructor's own engagement with the material. Even though the material is familiar to you, you can rediscover its importance and appeal each time you share it with new students.

When we think back to those teachers who captivated our attention during a lecture, they undoubtedly used different strategies suited to their individual temperaments, styles, and disciplines. Some may have been more typically charismatic, and others less showy but deeply passionate about ideas. Some may have owned the lecture hall physically, acting out their lectures, while others may have kept us riveted with their ability to tell a good story. What they probably all shared, however, was presence. Not stage presence, but presence in the sense of being truly present: physically, emotionally, and intellectually. The expressiveness that follows from full presence is a natural attention-grabber-no gimmicks needed.

Direct Students' Attention

But even when students pay attention, they may fail to attend to the most important material in a lecture. Think of how much new content you share with students in just one lecture. Students need to absorb, record, and understand the steady flow of auditory and visual information. To do so, students must listen, view, think, and write, all at once. The juggling of these activities might explain why students' notes capture only 20-40 percent of a lecture's content. Because the content is new to students, it can be difficult for them to identify which ideas are critical and which are peripheral. How can we help students attend to the most important information, so that they understand and remember the key points of each lecture?The solution is to provide students with a framework for each lecture, so that they can direct their attention to the most important information. One way to do this is to prepare a study guide for your course that describes each lecture's objectives, key concepts, and questions to consider (Schneider, p. 57). A handout with the lecture's major points will prepare students to listen and look for the central elements of the lecture. Skeletal lecture handouts, with room for students' notes, can also help students organize what they hear and see, and may be more effective than providing students with your full lecture notes (Kiewra, 2002, p. 72).As you prepare your lecture outlines, aim for three to five main points in each lecture, with clear links between each lecture topic and your main points.

You can also ask students to answer conceptual questions as they take notes during lecture. Each part of a lecture can be preceded by a high-level question that the upcoming information can answer. This encourages students to interpret and organize lecture content according to an important and useful conceptual framework. In one study, students who took notes trying to answer conceptual questions performed better on a recall test than students who took traditional notes that simply recorded information (Rickards & McCormick, 1988).
During lecture, be as explicit as possible about what students should focus on. Clearly introduce key concepts and definitions. Identify important themes as a way for students to sort through the content of the lecture. Use verbal and visual cues to highlight major points, categories, and steps of an argument. You can also direct students' attention to the most important points by asking them to review or explain those points during class. All of these strategies will help create a framework for students, so that they can quickly and accurately identify and understand the core ideas in your lecture.

Don't Overload the System

Once we have students' attention, we need to consider how quickly students can process information. Short-term memory requires time to process the sensory input we receive; students are not sponges and cannot immediately "absorb" new information. Give students short breaks throughout lecture to review their notes and ask questions. A short break that includes students' questions can also give the lecturer an opportunity to assess student understanding and adjust the remaining part of the lecture if needed.You can also include a more formal activity or assignment after every 15-20 minutes of presentation. For example, ask students to summarize or paraphrase the last few important points, either in their notes or with the person sitting nearest them. You can then review the points and move on to the next phase in the lecture. Giving students and yourself a break has another advantage. The audience's attention in a lecture drops dramatically after ten minutes of listening (Bligh, 2000, p. 53). Students can remember most of the first ten minutes, but very little from the middle part of the lecture. A short break will revitalize the audience's attention, and students will be much more likely to remember information from throughout the lecture.
A final consideration involves how lecturers present information. Lecturers are often encouraged to use a wide range of presentation materials, including audio, video, and written materials. While this can attract students' attention, it can also overload students' attention. Cognitive overload occurs when different forms of processing interfere with each other (Mayer & Moreno, 2003, p. 45). A common example is when students are presented with an illustration that also includes a written explanation. Students may be unable to process the information quickly, because looking at the illustration and reading the text both place demands on the same sensory channel (vision). Mayer found that replacing the written explanation with an auditory narrative, which uses another sensory channel, is more effective. Another common way to overload attention is to give students two conflicting things to attend to at the same time (say, a transparency on the overhead and a verbal narrative that does not directly relate to the overhead). Students must figure out which sensory channel provides the essential information, and they may not always guess correctly. You can avoid cognitive overload by maintaining a reasonable pace in your presentation and by carefully coordinating your verbal instruction with any other media.

Give Students Opportunities to Review and Apply

Information becomes solidified in long-term memory when we have opportunities to retrieve, review, and reflect on that information. As an instructor, you have two main opportunities to make sure this happens: 1) Give students time, during lecture, to review and apply ideas. 2) Give students assignments that encourage them to review their lecture notes and use the lecture content.

Previously, we described how short breaks during a lecture can give students the opportunity to make sure they have correctly identified and recorded important information. To go beyond this simple fact-checking, give students time in lecture to solve a problem or discuss an idea. You can post the problem or discussion question on a slide at the beginning of the lecture, so that students attend to the lecture with the anticipation of applying the information. You can have students tackle the problem or issue in pairs at the end of the lecture, or work alone and then vote on a solution or position. You can also create a think-tank situation by inviting volunteers to talk through their thought processes as they try to solve the problem or respond to a question. The full class can then discuss both the process and outcome of the thought experiment.

Of course, your students' learning process does not end in the lecture hall. You provide a strong foundation for learning during class, but students typically are overwhelmed by other demands on their time and thoughts. Students rush from one class to the next, and spend time in extracurricular activities, athletics, jobs, and socializing. By the end of the day, any information that is not reviewed may not be accurately remembered.We can increase students' learning by offering them the opportunity to review each lecture in a meaningful and timely way. It is not enough to hope that students will review their notes; create assignments that encourage or require it. For example, ask students to create a matrix, flow chart, table, or concept map based on the information presented in lecture (Titsworth & Kiewra, 2004, p. 450). Give students a problem that can only be solved using lecture material. Have students prepare a debate, a student panel, or a position paper on a subject related to lecture content (Frederick, 2002, p. 60). If an online discussion forum is part of the course, ask students to respond to questions related to the most recent lecture. By reviewing, interpreting, and applying lecture material, students are more likely to build lasting memories and develop higher-level thinking skills.
Students are also more likely to remember information that relates to ideas or experiences they are already familiar with. You can capitalize on this phenomenon by using examples from student life, current events, or popular culture. You can also ask students to generate their own examples from personal experience in class or as a written assignment. Whenever possible, tell students how new information relates to previous lectures in your course. Show students how specific skills can be applied to real-world problems. Create class activities or assignments that ask students to fit new information into the overall themes of the course. For example, have students compare two ideas, synthesize competing perspectives, or discuss the evolution of one theory to another. All of these techniques will make it more likely that students will remember the information from lecture, because students will integrate the material into already existing knowledge structures and experiences.

Teaching Strategies for Memorable Lectures

We have reviewed several teaching strategies that take into consideration how students learn new information in a lecture setting. We encourage you to apply these strategies to your own teaching, and find out what works best for your lecture content and personal teaching style. We also love to hear about innovative and effective lecturing strategies on campus. Please share your success stories if you have a found a particularly helpful way to keep student's attention, increase student understanding, or improve student performance. You can contact Mariatte Denman at mdenman@ stanford.edu.

Quick and Easy Ideas for Better Lectures

Provide students with a framework for each lecture o Aim for three to five main points in each lecture.o Begin the lecture with a high-level question that the upcoming information can answer.o Prepare a handout of the lecture's main points.o During lecture, be explicit about what students should focus on.

Don't overload studentso Give students short breaks throughout lecture to review their notes and ask questions.o Include a formal activity or assignment after every 15-20 minutes of presentation.o Don't use too many different types of presentation materials at once.o Don't give students two conflicting things to attend to at the same time.

Students are also more likely to remember information that relates to ideas or experiences they are already familiar with.o Use examples from student life, current events, or popular culture.o Ask students to generate their own examples from personal experience.o Tell students how new information relates to previous lectures in your course.o Show students how specific skills can be applied to real-world problems.o Create activities and assignments that ask students to fit new information into the overall themes of the course.


Bligh, Donald A. (2000). What's the use of lectures? San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Davis, James R. (1993). Better Teaching, More Learning: Strategies for Success in Postsecondary Settings. Phoeniz, AZ: Oryx Press.Frederick, Peter J. (2002). "Engaging students actively in large lecture settings." In Christine A. Stanley and M. Erin Porter. Engaging Large Lecture Classes. Strategies and Techniques for College Faculty (pp. 58-66). Bolton,Massachusetts: Anker Publishing Company, Inc.Kiewra, Kenneth A. (2002). "How classroom teachers can help students learn and teach them how to learn." Theory into Practice, 41 (2), 71-80.Mayer, Richard E., and Roxana Moreno. (2003). "Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning." Educational Psychologist, 38(1), 43-52.Murray, Harry G. (1997). "Effective teaching behavior in the college classroom." In Raymond P. Perry and John C. Smart. Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Research and Practice (pp. 171-204). New York: Agathon Press.Rickards, J.P., and C.B. McCormick. (1988). "Effects of interspersed conceptual pre-questions on note-taking in listening comprehension." Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 592-594.Schneider Fuhrmann, Barbara. (1983). A Practical Handbook for College Teachers. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. This book shows how to apply the cognitive learning process theories to the classroom with many well-thought-out examples.Titsworth, B. Scott, and Kenneth A. Kiewra. (2004). "Spoken organizational lecture cues and student note-taking as facilitators of student learning." Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 447-461.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Visual Literacy

This e-learning site focuses on a critical, but often neglected skill for business, communication, and engineering students, namely visual literacy, or the ability to evaluate, apply, or create conceptual visual representations. After this tutorial, students should be able to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of visual representations, to improve their shortcomings, to use them to create and communicate knowledge, or to devise new ways of representing insights.


Friday, August 31, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Mindset for the Class of 2011

The latest Beloit Mindset for the class of 2011

The Mindset for the Class of 2011

What Berlin wall?

Humvees, minus the artillery, have always been available to the public.

Rush Limbaugh and the “Dittoheads” have always been lambasting liberals.

They never “rolled down” a car window.

Michael Moore has always been angry and funny.

They may confuse the Keating Five with a rock group.

They have grown up with bottled water.

General Motors has always been working on an electric car.

Nelson Mandela has always been free and a force in South Africa.

Pete Rose has never played baseball.

Rap music has always been mainstream.

Religious leaders have always been telling politicians what to do, or else!

“Off the hook” has never had anything to do with a telephone.

Music has always been “unplugged.”

Russia has always had a multi-party political system.

Women have always been police chiefs in major cities.

They were born the year Harvard Law Review Editor Barack Obama announced he might run
for office some day.

The NBA season has always gone on and on and on and on.

Classmates could include Michelle Wie, Jordin Sparks, and Bart Simpson.

Half of them may have been members of the Baby-sitters Club.

Eastern Airlines has never “earned their wings” in their lifetime.

No one has ever been able to sit down comfortably to a meal of “liver with some fava beans and
a nice Chianti.”

Wal-Mart has always been a larger retailer than Sears and has always employed more workers
than GM.

Being “lame” has to do with being dumb or inarticulate, not disabled.

Wolf Blitzer has always been serving up the news on CNN.

Katie Couric has always had screen cred.

Al Gore has always been running for president or thinking about it.

They never found a prize in a Coca-Cola “MagiCan.”

They were too young to understand Judas Priest’s subliminal messages.

When all else fails, the Prozac defense has always been a possibility.

Multigrain chips have always provided healthful junk food.

They grew up in Wayne’s World.

U2 has always been more than a spy plane.

They were introduced to Jack Nicholson as “The Joker.”

Stadiums, rock tours and sporting events have always had corporate names.

American rock groups have always appeared in Moscow.

Commercial product placements have been the norm in films and on TV.

On Parents’ Day on campus, their folks could be mixing it up with Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz
with daughter Zöe, or Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford with son Cody.

Fox has always been a major network.

They drove their parents crazy with the Beavis and Butt-Head laugh.

The “Blue Man Group” has always been everywhere.

Women’s studies majors have always been offered on campus.

Being a latchkey kid has never been a big deal.

Thanks to MySpace and Facebook, autobiography can happen in real time.

They learned about JFK from Oliver Stone and Malcolm X from Spike Lee.

Most phone calls have never been private.

High definition television has always been available.

Microbreweries have always been ubiquitous.

Virtual reality has always been available when the real thing failed.

Smoking has never been allowed in public spaces in France.

China has always been more interested in making money than in reeducation.

Time has always worked with Warner.

Tiananmen Square is a 2008 Olympics venue, not the scene of a massacre.

The purchase of ivory has always been banned.

MTV has never featured music videos.

The space program has never really caught their attention except in disasters.

Jerry Springer has always been lowering the level of discourse on TV.

They get much more information from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert than from the

They’re always texting 1 n other.

They will encounter roughly equal numbers of female and male professors in the classroom.

They never saw Johnny Carson live on television.

They have no idea who Rusty Jones was or why he said “goodbye to rusty cars.”

Avatars have nothing to do with Hindu deities.

Chavez has nothing to do with iceberg lettuce and everything to do with oil.

Illinois has been trying to ban smoking since the year they were born.

The World Wide Web has been an online tool since they were born.

Chronic fatigue syndrome has always been debilitating and controversial.

Burma has always been Myanmar.

Dilbert has always been ridiculing cubicle culture.

Food packaging has always included nutritional labeling.

Tami's favourites...

Avatars have nothing to do with Hindu deities.
Tiananmen Square is a 2008 Olympics venue, not the scene of a massacre.

Presenting: the Critical First Five Minutes

I was just practicing for the upcoming COMS 130 extravaganza, and therefore reflecting on giving presentations, and wanted to share some tips about the all-important first five minutes. A lot of things happen in this time that will cause your audience to either pay rapt attention to you (or at least listen with an open mind) or glaze over and ignore you. You have an amazing degree of control over how things go, if you follow a few key guidelines.

1. Think of Fantasy Island. Remember at the beginning of each show, when Ricardo Montalban says "Smiles, everyone, smiles"? If you walk into a presentation smiling, looking relaxed and engaged and glad to be there, the audience will take your cue. Stop for a minute to take a deep breath, remember that you have valuable information that your audience needs, and act glad to be there.

2. Give them your name. It doesn't matter if they will never see you again after this presentation. If you want them to listen to you for the next hour, tell them who you are. You can also tell them your job title or what you do if it's relevant, or just say that you work at the Libraries. If they know your name, they'll listen to you more closely. Trust me, this works. If you are a real person to them rather than a talking head, you'll be much harder to ignore. You can also introduce others involved in the presentation (such as the person working the computer in the COMS 130 sessions).

3. Thank them in advance. Welcome them and thank them for coming; even if they are required to come, they aren't required to listen. Thanking them sets a nice, polite tone.

4. Use the magical secret key trigger words for audience retention. Okay, there's no one set of magic key trigger words, but you're reading this, aren't you? Trigger words work! You can prime your audience to listen more closely by using trigger words that link to things that are important to them. For example, again from COMS 130:
  • grade
  • performance
  • successful
  • instructor's expectations
  • easy, simple, faster
  • accurate, credible, convincing
This actually works throughout the presentation, but it's great to ramp up audience attention at the beginning. You might say things like, "This session is designed to help you meet your instructor's expectations on your assignment....make it easier to find accurate, credible information for your assignment....find good, reliable information faster.... Your performance depends on the quality of information you find" and so on.

There are also general trigger words like new, important, critical, essential, necessary (and magic, secret, and key, of course!). I often use one of these when I see the energy of the audience starting to flag. "What's critical to remember here, what's really going to affect your performance on this assignment, is...." There. You've got 'em back.

5. Remember, the audience is rooting for you. Once I realized this, my stage fright was greatly reduced. They want this session to be useful and interesting. They are on your side. (This is sometimes hard to remember when it looks like rows and rows of Easter Island statues in baseball caps out there.) If you show them that you are on their side (by smiling, thanking them, and pointing out how the information you're giving them will help them), everything will be fine.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Never Ending Friending: A Journey Into Social Networking

A Major-Major New Report on Social Networking commissioned by Fox Interactive Media:
Never Ending Friending: A Journey Into Social Networking (April
Depending on your vantage point, social networking represents:
*** A fad, especially among the young and tech-obsessed
*** An unprecedented tool for keeping in touch with friends and family
*** A disruptive, unscripted environment
*** An unparalleled opportunity for brands and consumers to make real connections
*** Some combination of all of the above ... and then some.
Interestingly, despite all the talk -- the water cooler pronouncements, the breathless media coverage, and the teenage conversations you may have overheard at home and in your communities -- social networking remains a relatively new and under-examined topic.
What's real? What's true? What works?
Nobody really knows.

For full-text of the "Journey," go to:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Making work fun

Ways to make work fun and productive for folks http://www.davecheong.com/2007/08/23/making-work-fun/

Thursday, August 23, 2007

18 Tips for Killer Presentations

Very interesting advice on giving Killer presentations
From lifehack

Jerry Seinfeld has a skit where he points out that studies show public speaking is a bigger fear than death. That means, he claims, that if you are going to a funeral you are better off in the casket than doing the eulogy. While there isn’t a lot you can do to melt away your anxiety, a the best start is simply to make a better presentation.

Becoming a competent, rather than just confident, speaker requires a lot of practice. But here are a few things you can consider to start sharpening your presentation skills:

10-20-30 Rule - This is a slideshow rule offered by Guy Kawasaki. This rule states that a powerpoint slide should have no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and have no text less than 30 point font. He says it doesn’t matter whether your idea will revolutionize the world, you need to spell out the important nuggets in a few minutes minutes, a couple slides and a several words a slide.

Be Entertaining - Speeches should be entertaining and informative. I’m not saying you should act like a dancing monkey when giving a serious presentation. But unlike an e-mail or article, people expect some appeal to there emotions. Simply reciting dry facts without any passion or humor will make people less likely to pay attention.

Slow Down - Nervous and inexperienced speakers tend to talk way to fast. Consciously slow your speech down and add pauses for emphasis.

Eye Contact - Match eye contact with everyone in the room. I’ve also heard from salespeople that you shouldn’t focus all your attention on the decision maker since secretaries and assistants in the room may hold persuasive sway over their boss.

15 Word Summary - Can you summarize your idea in fifteen words? If not, rewrite it and try again. Speaking is an inefficient medium for communicating information, so know what the important fifteen words are so they can be repeated.

20-20 Rule - Another suggestion for slideshows. This one says that you should have twenty slides each lasting exactly twenty seconds. The 20-20 Rule forces you to be concise and to keep from boring people.

Don’t Read - This one is a no brainer, but somehow Powerpoint makes people think they can get away with it. If you don’t know your speech without cues, that doesn’t just make you more distracting. It shows you don’t really understand your message, a huge blow to any confidence the audience has in you.

Speeches are About Stories - If your presentation is going to be a longer one, explain your points through short stories, quips and anecdotes. Great speakers know how to use a story to create an emotional connection between ideas for the audience.

Project Your Voice - Nothing is worse than a speaker you can’t hear. Even in the high-tech world of microphones and amplifiers, you need to be heard. Projecting your voice doesn’t mean yelling, rather standing up straight and letting your voice resonate on the air in your lungs rather than in the throat to produce a clearer sound.

Don’t Plan Gestures - Any gestures you use need to be an extension of your message and any emotions that message conveys. Planned gestures look false because they don’t match your other involuntary body cues. You are better off keeping your hands to your side.

“That’s a Good Question” - You can use statements like, “that’s a really good question,” or “I’m glad you asked me that,” to buy yourself a few moments to organize your response. Will the other people in the audience know you are using these filler sentences to reorder your thoughts? Probably not. And even if they do, it still makes the presentation more smooth than um’s and ah’s littering your answer.

Breathe In Not Out - Feeling the urge to use presentation killers like ‘um,’ ‘ah,’ or ‘you know’? Replace those with a pause taking a short breath in. The pause may seem a bit awkward, but the audience will barely notice it.

Come Early, Really Early - Don’t fumble with powerpoint or hooking up a projector when people are waiting for you to speak. Come early, scope out the room, run through your slideshow and make sure there won’t be any glitches. Preparation can do a lot to remove your speaking anxiety.

Get Practice - Join Toastmasters and practice your speaking skills regularly in front of an audience. Not only is it a fun time, but it will make you more competent and confident when you need to approach the podium.

Don’t Apologize - Apologies are only useful if you’ve done something wrong. Don’t use them to excuse incompetence or humble yourself in front of an audience. Don’t apologize for your nervousness or a lack of preparation time. Most audience members can’t detect your anxiety, so don’t draw attention to it.

Do Apologize if You’re Wrong - One caveat to the above rule is that you should apologize if you are late or shown to be incorrect. You want to seem confident, but don’t be a jerk about it.
Put Yourself in the Audience - When writing a speech, see it from the audiences perspective. What might they not understand? What might seem boring? Use WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) to guide you.

Have Fun - Sounds impossible? With a little practice you can inject your passion for a subject into your presentations. Enthusiasm is contagious.

Report - Google and Wikipedia and research habits

Summary of Findings http://chronicle.com/wiredcampus/index.php?id=2326

"A recent report on students’ research habits raises questions about all the hand-wringing in academe concerning students’ over-reliance on Google and Wikipedia to complete assignments. The report, based on a study conducted this year at Saint Mary’s College of California, found that most students started their research by turning to course readings or the library Web site, not Web search engines or Wikipedia."

The Study http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue12_8/head/index.html

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beyond Google: How do students conduct academic research?

Thanks to my friend Jane at University of Guelph for finding this article, Beyond Google: How do students conduct academic research?

Privacy Information & Facebook

Thanks to Nikhat for sending this to me...

Facebook and Privacy

StumbleUpon -- For those, like me, who like to stumble upon things

From the Web page
Channel surf the internet with the StumbleUpon toolbar to find great websites, videos, photos and more based on your interests. StumbleUpon learns what you like and makes better recommendations.
Link to StumbleUpon

Students making friends with complete strangers on Facebook

From the article:
Sophos created a fake Facebook profile, under the name 'Freddi Staur' ('ID Fraudster' with the letters rearranged), and randomly requested 200 members to be friends with 'Freddi.' Out of those 200, 87 accepted the friend request and 82 of those gave 'Freddi' access to "personal information" such as e-mail addresses, dates of birth, addresses and phone numbers, and school or work data. Presumably, the other five had restricted 'Freddi' to limited profile access, which many users select for bosses, parents, or people they don't know in real life.
Link to article

University of Pennsylvania Libraries Library 2.0 Applications

Which applications could we do in the libraries?
Link to PennLabs

On Campus, Trying to Connect

Technology and our first year students...
Link to article

Is Wikipedia becoming a hub for propaganda?

An article from the Globe and Mail about the Canadian Government using Wikipedia to edit information. Buncha hosers!
Link to G & M article

Friday, August 17, 2007

Library Outreach publications

Wanted to link to the PDF versions of KU Libraries outreach publications. Here ya go:

Contact Sarah (kanning at ku dot edu) for questions, corrections, etc.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Web 2.0 works as Library 2.0

(Thanks Tami for the link)

At the University of Pennsylvania http://labs.library.upenn.edu/ - PennLabs presents new software developed by the Penn Library - and, in some cases, still under development-related to web 2.0 applications such as social bookmarking, subject maps, firefox plugins and more. Take a look....

Facebook Shuns Some Library Search Tools

Chronicle of Higher Education - the Wired Campus
July 5, 2007

Now that Facebook has released software to let people design their own applications for the site, students can outfit their profiles with all sorts of accouterments — like music playlists, photo galleries, and so on. But don’t expect to see too many profiles with embedded library search applications: Evidently, Facebook isn’t too keen on those tools....


See Who's Editing Wikipedia - Diebold, the CIA, a Campaign

From "Wired" - By John Borland 08.14.07 2:00 AM
(Thanks to Tami for this link)
More on Wikipedia Scanner, companies polishing up their Wikipedia entries and government spooks rewriting history on wiki sites.

Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia

NPR - Morning Edition, August 16, 2007
In a Nutshell
Wikipedia is one of the Internet's most popular fact-checking sites. But a new tool shows how the online encyclopedia, which is maintained by its users, is often manipulated by the companies and individuals who are the subjects of its entries. For more information, head to http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12823729
(Thanks to Jon Giullian for this link)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

iSkills - ICT Literacy Assessment

Princeton, N.J. (April 18, 2007) —ETS announced today that it has changed the name of its ICT Literacy Assessment to the iSkills™ assessment and is also introducing new, customizable score reports for institutions.

The iSkills™ assessment is a simulation-based test designed to measure information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, that is, a student’s ability to navigate, critically evaluate and communicate information using digital technology, communication tools and networks. During the 75-minute assessment, college and high school students are asked to perform 15 information problem-solving tasks—such as researching a topic from a database, identifying authoritative and unbiased web sites, or composing an e-mail summary of research findings.

“We selected iSkills because it is catchy, contemporary and relevant,” says Mary Ann Zaborowski, ETS’s Director of Product Management for the iSkills™ assessment. “The new name is more spirited and better reflects the nature of this very different type of assessment . . . it’s interactive and really cutting edge.”

For more information about ETS’s iSkills™ assessment and to view an online demo, visit www.ets.org/iskills.

Librarians Get a Second Life

Are you curious about Second Life? Check out this overview and description slide show. It provides examples of how libraries are using this virtual world to enhance services. (Requires Shockwave Player)